Online Help, and all the other readme information, can be found by launching Black Night and selecting "Black Night Reference" from the "Help" or "Guide" menu (the menu you use to turn on Balloon Help). There is currently no stand-alone manual.
If you are running System Software prior to System 4.3, then you probably shouldn't launch Black Night.
Internet Config
At least once, you should launch Internet Config and allow it to install the Internet Preferences and Component. Black Night does not require Internet Config, but life will be generally happier with it installed. Internet Config is available from:
Black Night has a graded competency level interface. What this means is that novices do not need to spend too much time setting things up. Try it out, launch Black Night and double tap the 'Enter' Key; it just may work without any setting up at all.
However, once you become familiar with the basic interface, you should go exploring ...